I enjoy communicating through the written word. I write everyday; whether it be for academic purposes or not. I find inspiration for both of these forms of writing everywhere. I would like to share my inspiration and writing with you.

Jan 26, 2011

Environmental Series Part III is Here!

                Immediate environments influence those inhabiting it.  Environments miles away can influence each other.  It is important to keep this idea in mind.  The importance of this idea concerns all creatures big and small cohabiting planet Earth.

                Environments miles and miles away affecting each other lends one to believe that one person’s decisions on this side of the planet can affect another person’s decisions on that side of the planet.  A concept such as this should not be taken lightly.  Affects can range in magnitude and are not limited to one’s imagination or to Hollywood consequences.

                The previous idea is why I felt that it was important to consider a few of the affects of environmental decisions.  Environmental Series Part III considers three environmental changes currently taking place in different areas of Earth.  Please read this part of the series with an open mind and think about how these environmental affects could change your current living situation or your future generations living situations.

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Positive Inspiration

Positive inspiration can be found in those we encounter. It can be found in their eyes, heard in their stories, and seen in their faces. Michael J. Fox is one such person that inspires countless people. The following peek into his book and life is just a fragment of inspiration that this man exudes.

At the turn from our bedroom into the hallway, there is an old full-length mirror in a wooden frame. I can't help but catch a glimpse of myself as I pass. Turning fully toward the glass, I consider what I see. This reflected version of myself, wet, shaking, rumpled, pinched and slightly stooped, would be alarming we...re it not for the self-satisfied expression pasted across my face. I would ask the obvious question, "What are you smiling about?" but I already know the answer: "It just gets better from here." - Michael J. Fox (from his book Always Looking Up)


"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm Forbes