I enjoy communicating through the written word. I write everyday; whether it be for academic purposes or not. I find inspiration for both of these forms of writing everywhere. I would like to share my inspiration and writing with you.

Nov 5, 2010

Communications Technologies Series

Communication is in constant revolution.  New forms of communication pop up here and there around the world all the time.  New forms of communication technologies are always in the works.  Communication technologies can range from berry paint used to write on rocks to cell phones. 
There have been many new communication technologies in recent decades and centuries.  Some have stood the test of time while others have been modified or laid by the waste side.  Some technologies mean different things to different people.  However, the following series of communication technologies are ones that I personally feel mean quite a lot to the human race.

First Technology
 Printing Press
            Digital media is zooming around the world.  However, digital media started with the written word and then the printed word. When the written word needed an overhaul the printing press was invented.  The printing press was a needed invention, a first of its kind, and a start to a mass revolution!
            The printing press was a needed invention.  Before the printing press there were several different methods to creating books: manual writing of transcripts on vellum and block printing (The Great Idea Finder, 2007).  Manuel writing of transcripts could take years!  Block typing, the fashioning of letters onto a block of wood and imprinting them on vellum was a faster craft that took a large effort that did not last long (The Great Idea Finder, 2007).  Therefore the methods that were being used at the time the printing press was invented were costly both in terms of time and money.
            The printing press was the first of its kind; using metal blocks instead of wood.  In 1440 Johannes Gutenberg invented the first metal blocks to be used to in the process of printing (The Great Idea Finder, 2007). Gutenberg used moveable type which was formed from metal molds and alloys (The Great Idea Finder, 2007).  The process that Gutenberg was responsible for was unlike anything the Europe had ever seen before!
            Gutenberg’s process of metal and oil started a revolution.  To mass produce printed materials several things were needed: a new material to print on and a new type of ink.  Gutenberg needed new ink as water based ink used for writing would not adhere to the metal used in printing (The Great Idea Finder, 2007).  Therefore a new oil based ink was customized.  The new ink now needed a new surface to print on.  Vellum was expensive and not readily available (The Great Idea Finder, 2007).  Paper making was now put into mass production.  A revolution was stirring!
            Johannes Gutenberg was responsible for a needed invention that was a first of its kind, and a start to a revolution!  The world needed a new way of fashioning books and Gutenberg provided that in his never seen before metal moveable printing methods.  The new form of printing then started a revolution in other markets that were connected to the new method of printing.  The printing press is a revolutionary invention that still has appeal today!
The Great Idea Finder. 2007. Printing Press. Retrieved on November 4, 2010.

Second Technology
            The amazing radio is a form of communication that many cannot live without.  The invention of the radio took time and experiment that concluded in a revolutionary way to communicate over long distances.  Since the radio’s invention it has been split and its uses divided.
            The first radio station went on the air in the 1920’s (Through the Wires, 2010).  This station located in Pittsburg grew in popularity spreading a radio craze around the world.   Europe and America grew to need the radio and all of its information.  A new method of communicating was invented!
            However the new communication method was not all that it could be… the split occurred.  The use of a shorter radio wave created the distinction between AM or amplified modulation and FM frequency modulation (Through the Wires, 2010).  The split allowed for various frequency signals creating a massive eruption in radio stations.
            The eruption of different radio stations caused a divide.  The AM band was used to communicate highly important information such as speeches and war reports (Through the Wires, 2010).  However, there was an increased idea in using the new radio stations as a means to communicate entertainment.  Therefore, new radio stations sprung up across the United States and Europe broadcasting both important information and entertainment such as music and even the first soap opera (Through the Wires, 2010).  The divide was a hit!
            The radios invention was just the first part of its manipulation into two forms and a division.  The radio was a communications hit from the get go in the early 1920’s.  After it debuted it was split into two band lengths providing radio listeners with AM and FM radio.  After this initial split radio also saw a divide in its uses; from a serious form of communication to also an entertainment communicator.  The history of the radio is one of interest and communication that keeps us informed and entertained today!
Through the Wires. 2010. The Invention of the Radio. Retrieved on November 4, 2010.

Third Technology
            Television is a form of communication that most could not live without.  Its winding interesting road to invention is one that would have most pining for more.  The invention of television is both scientific, tragic, and has led to many first for the United States and the world.
            The invention of the television is one that will live on in communication history.  Its beginnings of scientific feat started in a barn loft and flowed to Chicago, England and many more places through the mind and body of Philo T. Farnsworth (Lander, 2010).  While the patents and money that put the television into existence have crossed lines and hands of many from Farnsworth to RCA and even CBS it is widely agreed upon that Farnsworth is the man who brought television to the world through scientific wonder and amazement.
            Through the years of scientific wonder Farnsworth and his dream of television met many a tragedy.  Tragedy struck many a time in the Patens office as he fought a battle with RCA (Lander, 2010).  Not only did the televisions invention create turmoil in the patents office but also in Farnsworth’s home where the first television transmission was sent; a broadcast of Walt Disney’s’ Steamboat Willy (Lander, 2010).  However, the tragedy that often occurred during the pioneering of the television could not keep the television at bay.
            Farnsworth and his dream endured to the point of many firsts for his nation and the world.  In fact the United States first president to be broadcast on the television was Franklin D. Roosevelt (Lander, 2010).  While the broadcast was only to a few sets it was a first and one of many.  In fact even in recent years there continue to be firsts on television.
            Television was an invention that took many years’ scientific feats, tragedy, and firsts.  The television was a communication wonder.  In fact television continues to be a wonder!
Lander, H. 2010. The Birth of Television. Oak View Press.

Fourth Technology
Personal Computers
            The world would be quite a different place without personal computers.  Thankfully our lives have been enhanced by this wondrous invention.  The personal computer was brought into existence by two gentlemen and changed many different parts of human life affecting our lives incredibly.
            The personal computer was brought about by two men, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.  These two men dreamed and invented a different version of the computer.  These two men created Apple and brought about a new way of using computers (Lemelson MIT Program, 2010).  They brought the personal computer to the masses.
            The personal computer has come a long way from its beginnings and has had many different affects.  Personal computers have affected many different avenues of life.  Personal computers have reinvented gaming, homework, and so much more.  In fact personal computers can be found in just about every home in America and in other countries as well.
            Personal computers have affected the lives of many.  Personal computers have reinvented how many different industries work as well as how families run.  Many companies’ inventories are carried out on personal computers.  Many different families communicate with each other thru email which is carried out on personal computers.
            The invention of, affects of, and change that personal computers has brought about is incredible!  Personal computers are responsible for many different avenues of change and communication.  Imagining today’s communication without personal computers is interesting and yet scary to others!
Lemelson MIT Program. 2010. The Personal Computer. Retrieved on November 4, 2010. http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/apple.html.

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Positive Inspiration

Positive inspiration can be found in those we encounter. It can be found in their eyes, heard in their stories, and seen in their faces. Michael J. Fox is one such person that inspires countless people. The following peek into his book and life is just a fragment of inspiration that this man exudes.

At the turn from our bedroom into the hallway, there is an old full-length mirror in a wooden frame. I can't help but catch a glimpse of myself as I pass. Turning fully toward the glass, I consider what I see. This reflected version of myself, wet, shaking, rumpled, pinched and slightly stooped, would be alarming we...re it not for the self-satisfied expression pasted across my face. I would ask the obvious question, "What are you smiling about?" but I already know the answer: "It just gets better from here." - Michael J. Fox (from his book Always Looking Up)


"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm Forbes