I enjoy communicating through the written word. I write everyday; whether it be for academic purposes or not. I find inspiration for both of these forms of writing everywhere. I would like to share my inspiration and writing with you.

Nov 29, 2011

Fact of Global Warming

Global warming is fact.  We can show that certain things that we as humans do effect the earth around us; whether we can see it with the bare eye or not.  However, we also know that the Earth goes through stages and changes of evolution; seas dry, mountain ranges are formed, and so on and so forth.  To make global warming cut and dry I believe is not always an easy thing to do.

However since we know that global warming is factual we must do something about it.  As individuals we all make our own personal changes.  We use energy efficient electronics; recycle aluminum cans and other little things that add up to results.  As individuals we do what we can.  Yes, there is always room for improvement.
Individuals make up part of the world community.  We make up villages, towns, and countries.  However corporations are another  large part of our world community that does what it can.  As with individuals there is room for improvement in the other half of the world community.  Corporations, and governments all have responsibilities to themselves, others, and future generations in regards to the planet and its health.  As individuals we have always been told to put things back when we are done with them.. to pick up after ourself; when dealing with the planet the same is to be said just on a grander scale that has its multiple levels.  Corporations and other worldly organizations must adhere to the same set of ethics.

Global warming is fact and the fact of it is that we all add up to changes that have effects.  We all have voices that add up.  If we see that changes need to be done we need to speak up and make the changes together… because we are all in this together!

Positive Inspiration

Positive inspiration can be found in those we encounter. It can be found in their eyes, heard in their stories, and seen in their faces. Michael J. Fox is one such person that inspires countless people. The following peek into his book and life is just a fragment of inspiration that this man exudes.

At the turn from our bedroom into the hallway, there is an old full-length mirror in a wooden frame. I can't help but catch a glimpse of myself as I pass. Turning fully toward the glass, I consider what I see. This reflected version of myself, wet, shaking, rumpled, pinched and slightly stooped, would be alarming we...re it not for the self-satisfied expression pasted across my face. I would ask the obvious question, "What are you smiling about?" but I already know the answer: "It just gets better from here." - Michael J. Fox (from his book Always Looking Up)


"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm Forbes